
What sale type is right for me?

The sale type or “selling method” is important in determining the fair market value for your timber. The two most popular types are sealed-bid or negotiated price. Sealed-Bids Prospective timber buyers submit written offers to be opened at a specific time and place, and each bidder is only allowed to supply one bid. This is the most competitive way to receive bids and is normally best for final harvests, thinning of older forests, and normal landowners without forestry expertise. Negotiated Lump Sum This method consists of face to face negotiations on price. This is best used for thinning and smaller [...]

What sale type is right for me?2023-03-30T14:12:51-05:00

How do I know what my timber is worth?

The value of your timber is determined by several factors, such as size, quality, species and the distance the purchaser must transport the timber to a particular mill. The estimate given to you by the TMBR app is an estimate based on averages to help you make a more informed decision based on market conditions. You can put your timber up for sale with or without an official inventory from a forester, however you will likely get more bids with one. You can request a forestry inventory through the TMBR app at any time and list to your timber for [...]

How do I know what my timber is worth?2023-03-30T14:13:15-05:00

How can I estimate the age of my timber?

The short answer is, measurements & math. With the right information, it's not hard to determine the age of your timber within a year or two of accuracy. Here's what you do: STEP 1: Measure the circumference of a given tree in inches about five feet up from the base. STEP 2: Find the "growth factor" for that species of tree from the list further down on this page. Different species of tree have different growth factors, determined by a wide variety of data. STEP 3: Multiply your measurement from step one by this growth factor to arrive at a [...]

How can I estimate the age of my timber?2023-03-30T14:31:33-05:00
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